
Chelsea Buns - le flop de jour!

Call me paranoid but I think that my cookbooks are conspiring to thwart my bread-baking plans. I have upgraded my cooking scales and spared no expense on higher quality ingredients. Yet, no matter how religiously I follow the recipes, it has been one cooking disaster after another and I have spent the entire week assuaging my guilt and disappointment by eating my failures. I feel like an ancient Greek alchemist attempting to turn lead into gold. Who would have thought that baking bread is so difficult? Is this some secret dark art that I am endeavouring to learn?

Le flop de jour? Chelsea buns - spiral-shaped current buns glazed in icing sugar. I created a dough that can only be described as some sort of biohazard. It had an unnatural elasticity and alarmingly clung to everything that it touched, which made kneading near impossible. Sadly, a lot of good flour was lost along the way.

The finished product looks and tastes more like a bun from the dodgy end of Chelsea. Clearly, there is something very wrong with this recipe. But, I am quite ecstatic that I managed to produce something edible.

In other news, I am inching closer to perfecting my banana bread recipe. This time, I opted for muscavado sugar, my favourite type, which gave the bread that lovely sweet flavour I was aiming for. Next time, I think that the walnuts will have to go as they have an overpowering taste. Banana bread is my refuge as a failed baker. My place of anchor whilst I figure out how on Earth to make dough that does not resemble plaster. It's no wonder since, let's face it, this is a cake masquerading as bread! Of course, that doesn't stop me from eating slices of it thickly smothered in butter...


  1. Speaking of your dodgy concoctions.... I have two words: Fig Crumble

  2. Ouch! I know who you are anonymous!

  3. the photos look really good, your photographing skill is really good.
    I tasted them yesterday, I can have a say: they are really teasty!

  4. Have a look at this web site. It may help with your bread. http://www.breadexperience.com/

    I thought of you while I was watching this program. The delicious Miss Dahl
    If you haven't seen it, try to, it's very you :)

  5. When kneading dough, when it's sticky don't you just keep adding more flour until it loses its stickiness? Whenever I see people kneading dough, I see powdered flour EVERYWHERE, b/c they always keep adding flour until it stops being sticky.
