about me

I was born with a fork in my hand.

'Eats like a horse' is a phrase that my kind father likes to use as a description of me. Unflattering as it may be, I have to admit that I was indeed blessed with the appetite of a bear that has just emerged from hibernation.

However, quantity is not my priority* - it's all about the quality. Food is not merely a means of survival. I refuse to knowingly consume anything mediocre. Truly, I live to eat rather than eat to live. My soul is fueled by delicious, tongue-tingling delights. My mind consumed by thoughts of my next exciting meal.

OK, I'm beginning to sound a bit fanciful. But, in my defence, that's only because I'm obsessively passionate about good food.

So, this food blog has been a long time coming. I feel like I am bursting with thoughts, ideas and anecdotes. FOOD by Fran is my newborn, bouncy little baby - a lot of daydreaming on the bus has gone into it. And, even though I lack the culinary skills of a professional chef**, I am excited and eager to share the 27 years of experience that my tongue has had tasting the good, the bad and the ugly.

Thank you for visiting my site. I hope that you will enjoy journeying with me along the Pleasure Pain Road.


*unless, the food is irresistably good that I just cannot get enough. In which case, I consume as much as my stomach can take to the point of what my friends and I affectionately term, PLEASURE PAIN - that feeling you get when you've eaten far too much but it was totally and utterly worth it.

**although, I like to think that I have budding potential since both of my parents cook for a living.

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