
Football 0 - Food 1

Clever me, I have somehow managed to do some pretty serious injury to my back. Don't worry! I'm not lying on the floor, unable to stand or walk. Things haven't got that bad...yet...It's just a very bad backache at the moment that has me wincing when I open doors. What can I say? I'm ahead of my time - I'm an old lady already!

Now, I'm beginning to wonder if my love of food is the source of my trouble; I have a Saturday morning ritual, which involves methodically flicking through my cookbooks whilst eating breakfast, searching for inspiring dishes that I would like to try throughout the coming week and drawing up a shopping list of everything that I will need. It all sounds wonderfully organised and thorough. The problem is that in my zealousness, I end up with a ridiculously long list. This rather obvious fact never fails to allude me until I am standing at the checkout and packing my shopping bags, wondering how on Earth am I going to carry all of this home?! It's a good 10-15 minute walk from my local supermarket...

Naturally, being the 'super-organised and prepared' girl that I am, I ensure that I'm well-equipped for my shopping trips and always bring a rucksack. I thought this was a good thing, the best way to carry heavy loads. Yet, my back just gets worse and worse each week! Am I food shopping my way to a hunchback and cane? Is it time to invest in one of those old-lady trolleys? Of course, there are many solutions to this problem, the simplest being STOP EATING SO MUCH, which is never going to happen. I was just surprised by this moment of clarity and felt the need to share it with you. Perhaps, you have this problem too?

On the hand, it may not be the food shopping that is the problem at all. Yesterday, I did something quite unusual and (for reasons I won't bore you with right now) brave - I played football! Well, I don't think that I can really call what I did 'playing football'. There was a ball and I kicked it...sometimes. There was also a lot of twisting and sudden movements, which come to think of it may have excacerbated my poor, weak back. Yes, I prefer to think that it was the football that has injured me and not my greedy desire to indulge in lots of good food. Football 0 - Food 1!

So, what does one do in this situation? Well, seeing as I've had an even-more-disappointing-than-usual day at work, I shall lick my wounds with my dear friend, Butter, and feast on a rich and sumptuous dinner of tagliatelle in a spiced butter sauce with toasted pine nuts,and herbs, courtesy of Ottolenghi's new cookbook, Plenty. What I really need is someone to rub it into my back and give me a jolly good massage! But, I'll settle for what I can get. Sigh...I feel better already...

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