
The no-bread-diet

The time has come to say my farewells to bread...for now. We've had a jolly good time this past week - no holding back, abundant indulgence, slices and rolls with every meal and between them too! But, to continue in this vain would require a whole new wardrobe to accompany the inevitable weight gain that would ensue. And so, the no-bread-diet must commence upon my setting foot on the streets of London. This kind of bread gorging is reserved for France and France only. Now, I understand why the word for bread in French is 'pain' - I can't think of anything more fitting considering the pleasurable pain that it has induced multiple times this week.

So, goodbye brioche, farewell croissants, so long baguettes and au revoir pain au chocolat! I miss you already...


  1. *gasp* No...really? Is this Fran???

    Don't neglect your carb intake tho'! Some carbs are good, like from broccoli and from legumes, and your body doesn't really absorb these calories that much. ^_^ Good luck! I've never been all that successful in removing anything from my diet. =P~~~

  2. Experiencing severe withdrawal symptoms. No matter how much food I eat, nothing seems to fill the void that bread has left behind!
