
A lesson is learned

Darn that Mary Berry, she has lead me astray! I should have known better than to remove the baking beans halfway through baking my fourth (yes, fourth!) attempt at making a pastry shell. But, I foolishly followed her instructions and what looked to be a promising tart that ticks all the right boxes (i.e. a smooth and golden pastry that doesn't come away from the sides of the pan) is now as dimpled and flawed as a pubescent boy's face. I feel like the lumps and bumps are laughing at me.

Still, I remain unperturbed and determined - perfecting my pastry shell-making skills is the key to unlocking a plethora of tarts, pies and quiches that taunt me from the sideline. A recipe will be posted as soon as I get this right. In the meantime, onwards and upwards!


  1. Pubescent boy's face??? Hahaha. Btw, removing the beans halfway through is actually the correct thing to do! Not sure if I was clear on that yesterday when we talked about it... I think the bumps are from not docking the bottom :)

  2. Oh and I forgot to mention...the tart looks delicious! I can't see the lumps and bumps!

  3. In that case, I owe Mary Berry an apology. Pastry-making really is a dark art!
