
The Delicious Miss Dahl - a kindred spirit

The Delicious Miss Dahl - a sweet new cooking programme that has completely captured my heart. I cannot fully describe what a wonderous thing it is to watch someone express the exact same feelings, thoughts and sentiments that I have. It's uncanny and magical all at the same time. I want to be Miss Dahl's best friend and spend sunny afternoons food shopping, cooking and eating together in her perfect, English-country-cottage-style kitchen.

This is more than just a cooking programme - The Delicious Miss Dahl is a life philosophy that encourages indulgence and romance. I feel like the follower of some obscure cooking cult. She makes me want to abandon all my responsibilities and while away my time blissfully re-creating the 'selfish day' that her first episode describes.

Casual cooking demonstrations are interwoven with anecdotes, history, poetry and shopping excursions to boutique antique stores. It feels like you are sitting in the kitchen with Miss Dahl, watching her cook and listening to her tell you stories about fishing with her grandmother and stealing liquor-filled chocolates from the Christmas tree.

A word of warning: this programme must be watched whilst eating something delicious. Otherwise, you will be tortured by images of her 'totally simple, straightforward yet honest food', such as buffalo mozzarella bruschetta with shaved fennel and courgette, roasted halibut with spinach and watercress sauce, sweet potato chips and rich chocolate pots with brandy-soaked cherries.

I probably should go to work but...the kitchen is calling me and I am completely inspired. Fluffly pancakes topped with sliced bananas and golden syrup await me!

To watch The Delicious Miss Dahl click here. For effortlessly easy and pleasurable food, her recipes are listed here.

1 comment:

  1. i said you would like it :)

    I think it's a program for either sex, and especially single people.
