
Restaurant recommendations in Paris?

Guess where I'm going this weekend? PARIS! I'm very excited about all of the delicious French food that I am going to (hopefully) eat. But, where should I eat? If you have any recommendations, even if it's just a little bakery, please let me know.


  1. Lyon a mussel place, if you like some seafood. I've been there three times. Apparently it's a chain...

  2. Do you remember where it is?

  3. I believe she's talking about Leon on St. Germain. Carolyn recommended that place too!!!

    Le Petite Prince in the Latin Quarter is supposed to also be pretty good

  4. i love that you are scoping out the scene for when we go in 3 WEEKS!!!! i would LOVE to just eat baguettes and cheese all day! and drink bottles of wine! i think that nutritious enough, yes?

  5. Thanks, Bliz! Is that the one you meant Jessie? There's also Le Petite Troquet, which was superb last time. I think i'm all set for 3 dinners :) And, Bertillion for the best ice cream in Paris. Apparently, the Four Seasons does an exceptional Afternoon Tea but it's a bit pricey!

    Gosh, is it just 3 weeks away Liz? Oh no, you can't just eat baguettes, cheese and wine - Paris is filled with too many delicious things! :)

  6. Oh, Stacey just told me about the Macaroon place that she said was even better than Fauchon! It's called Laduree...is that the "other" famous place that you knew about?


  7. Oh yes, I know Laduree - there's a branch here at Harrods. DELICIOUS salted caramel macaroons! But, I will definitely check out the one in Paris. Thanks! ps. if you haven't already, please forward the blog on to Stacey!

  8. sorry for the late response, the lyon i was talking about is in AVENUE DES CHAMPS ELYSEES, it's in a blue background, you won't miss it. although it's a chain, it is slightly more expensive than other branches.. have fun in paris!
